Questions Archive(Thematic Category:کلام)
Does Paradise have several gates and do those gates have specific names?
10525 2015/01/05 اوصاف بهشت و جهنمParadise has eight different gates. As for their names and what group of people use which gate to enter, there are different reports and traditions. Their names such as Baab al-Rahmah ( Gate of Mercy
How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?
28978 2015/01/05 HadithAccording to the traditions and some interpreters viewpoints, the current generation of mankind is not from Abel or Cain, it s from Adam s ( A.S ) other son, Seth. However, when it comes to the marria
There are narrations even in the Shiite books that forbid building any edifices including mosques around and over graves. In the existence of such narration, how is it possible to justify construction of burial chambers and tombs over the graves of the imams (AS)?
10241 2014/09/28 TraditionalThe Holy Quran narrating the story of the Companions of the Cave explicitly and clearly approves of building a mosque over their graves. There are many traditions which not only allow worshipping near
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
7289 2014/09/18 TraditionalThere would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah ( waiting period ) completely on th
Can Satan and angels know our thoughts or only Allah knows them?
16611 2014/06/23 فرشتگانKnowledge of the unseen is prerogative of God. None other than God has knowledge of the unseen independently of God. However, every existent that has been allowed by God to have knowledge of the unsee
Please give a brief description of features of Barqi's al-Mahasen and the hadith which bears Khidhr's testimony to the leadership of the Imams (A.S)?
10064 2014/06/01 Contextual studyKhalid bin Ahmad al-Barqi has reported a narration in his al-Mahasen almost with the same chain of transmission mentioned in the question. Great scholars like Sheikh Kulayni, Saduq and Nu mani have re
What are the meanings of the informative attributes of Allah? What are the Sunni and Shia viewpoints in this regard?
10713 2014/05/14 صفات ذاتیهKhabariyah or informative attributes refer to attributes which have been mentioned in the Quran and narrations and have no proofs other than textual evidence. Among those attributes, yadullah ( Hand o
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
11209 2014/04/20 ModernWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows: A ) Spiritual methods: 1. Remembering Allah ( by worshiping Him
Why did God choose to keep Himself, hell and heaven and angels hidden from human eye?
7834 2014/02/16 اسلام و ایمانThe angels, heaven, Hell and the reality of sin and reward remaining hidden from human eyes are meant to prepare ground for test and tribulation of human beings because if the curtains or the barriers
Why old age is brilliant light on the Day of Resurrection?
7184 2014/01/22 Contextual studyIn the religion of Islam, old age has been considered to be a privilege for the aged in order for others to respect them. There are two sets of traditions in this regard one of which emphasizes on res
What is the history of Ibadiyya and where do the Ibadies live?
16774 2014/01/20 شیعه و دیگر مذاهبThe Ibadi movement linked to Abdullah bin Ibadh is a group of moderate Kharijites and the dominant sect in Oman and north Africa. However, Ibadis deny anything more than a passing relation to the Khaw
What is the meaning of verse 61 and 62 in Surah Al Waqiyah
12509 2013/12/16 ExegesisThe verses 61 to 62 of Surah al-Waqe ah make reference to the reason behind death and how it is ordained for man. In these verses, God says: Death is a truth ordained by Him, it is not an essential pa
Is Imam\'s (A.S) asking holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) in contrast to Imam\'s (A.S) expansive knowledge? What is the scope of Imam\'s (A.S) knowledge according to Shia?
7049 2013/12/09 TraditionalThere is no disagreement among Muslims about the necessity of Imam s knowledge. However the discrepancy exists about the quantity and quality of his knowledge. Shiites believe that the Imam should, at
Why is Shaitan an enemy of mankind? Has man done anything wrong to man?
9746 2013/12/05 TraditionalThere are many verses in the Holy Quran that make clear reference to enmity between man and Shaitan ( the devil ) . [ 1 ] It is for the same hostile relations that human beings have been alarmed and w
How long will the Imam of Time, Imam Mahdi (AS), will this world rule after he reappears?
17573 2013/12/05 Contextual studyThere are two categories of narrations in this regard which are apparently varied giving differing reports: 1. The first category of narrations has for the major part been extracted from Sunni source
If a body does not decompose in the grave, does it mean that the man in the grave is protected against the Fire of Hell?
16998 2013/12/01 برزخIt is possible to keep a body intact by using certain chemical ingredients. Mummification is also a chemical procedure through which people in ancient Egypt preserved the bodies of pharaohs whereas in
Is the religion of Islam a strict and difficult religion?
ou. (Sura al-Baqara).
13674 2013/10/26 TraditionalBeing the most perfect religion, Islam is based on ease and simplicity. Its rulings and regulations are intertwined with ease and simplicity. Clear foundations and simple concepts that can be understo
Can you provide us with some information about Prophet Idris (a.s.)?
15809 2013/07/15 TraditionalProphet Idris name has been mentioned twice in the Quran, he has been revered and celebrated as truthful, prophet, patient, righteous etc. Prophet Idris is among the grandsons of Prophet Seth reaching
Were miracles performed by prophets in order to demonstrate the truth of their claims to prophethood or were they to meet the demands of stubborn people? What is meant by “We made from water every living thing”?
7987 2013/05/19 Exegesis1. It is necessary to note that bringing a miracle is a decisive and clear proof of the authenticity of a prophet s claim to prophethood. It is not, therefore, just to convince people. [ 1 ] 2. The
Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) prostrate on the Turbat of Karbalah?
15490 2013/05/15 TraditionalAccording to Shia jurisprudence, firstly, Sajda should be performed on earth, and on those things which are not edible nor worn, and on things which grow from earth ( e.g. wood and leaves of trees ) .
Is it possible to throw some light on the life and messengership of Prophet Hud (a.s.)?
7989 2013/05/15 TraditionalProphet Hud is one of the divine prophets whose name has been mentioned seven times in Surah al-Araf and Surah al-Shu ara. He is among the descendants ( great grandsons ) of Prophet Noah ( a.s. ) with
What does it mean to say that divine attributes are the same as the essence?
9340 2013/02/16 TraditionalOne of the important theological, mystical, exegetical and philosophical discussions revolves around unity of attribute and the essence or name and the named. Since the point of dispute is not complet
What is the relationship between a name and the named especially in regards to the names of the Infallibles (a.s.)?
6515 2013/02/02 TraditionalThe discussion concerning the prophets names and those of the infallible imams ( a.s. ) and the development of those names in the history of human civilizations would require us to conduct a comprehen
Given the fact that God is not recognizable by the mind, how is it possible to have knowledge of Him in a way which is not concomitant with polytheism?
7059 2013/02/02 TraditionalIn regards to proper knowledge of God, we must say that, based on authentic traditions, the criterion is to avoid likening God to anything and divesting God of His attributes. For further explanation
Is the reality of the Commander of Faithful, Ali (a.s.) eternal?
6948 2013/01/24 TraditionalEternity is endless and unending time. It is a state to which time has no application. Something which is eternal is not moving, and is beyond time. [ 1 ] That is to say, it has always existed. As fo
We know that the Prophet (pbuh) is infallible but why are there verses in the Quran indicating that the Prophet committed a sin.
9564 2013/01/01 TraditionalIn order to clarify the subject of the discussion, it is necessary to mention the following points: 1. Being an intellectual school, Shia accepts rational principles and standards which are also end
What is the basic difference between spirituality in Islam and spirituality in Christianity?
23014 2012/12/16 ModernThe value and credibility of spirituality in every religion are connected directly to genuineness and validity of that religion itself. The religious sources of Christianity present such doctrines tha
Why is there not one source of emulation and one Resalah (Manual of Islamic Laws) keeping in view the fact that Islam is not but one faith?
7789 2012/12/01 ModernAccording to Islam, Ijtihad [ i ] is a necessity and the only way through which Islam, the real religion, can survive over the history and ages. Shiite jurisprudents and religious authorities differ o
Why are there differences among human beings in terms of mood and behavior? How far do the external factors affect our nature? What is the interpretation (tafsir) of verse 30 of Chapter Al-Room in this regard?
7253 2012/11/20 TraditionalMan being created good and with a divine fitra ( nature ) does not mean that there should not and cannot be any difference among human beings in terms of mood and conduct. In fact, it means that they
Why is none of all the Islamic countries in a desired and enviable state? Why are human values not implemented in them?
7465 2012/11/20 ModernIslam dignifies man to a great extent. He is God s vicegerent on earth and, for this reason, Islam respects man in such a way that is not seen in any part of the world because respecting humans does n
What is ghulu (exaggeration) and how is it possible to avoid it?
21367 2012/11/17 TraditionalGhulu ( exceeding proper limits ) means an increase or doing something more than what is ordained by Allah ( Exalted be He ) . The Arabic word ghala ( boil ) denotes the rise of water because of fire.
Do the discrepancies among religions have something to do with people’s personal and environmental capacity?
7787 2012/11/01 ModernConsidering the terminologies used in this question, the accepted Islamic viewpoint is the evolutionist approach. Islam is a religion which addresses man s God-gifted nature and encompasses all nation
Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?
10001 2012/11/01 ModernAlthough some facts can be seen with the existing religions in the world the perfect form of truth which is belief in divine unity or one God exists in Islam. The most important reason is that other r
Why do we repeat “Subhan’allah” in prayers and emphasize on doing “hamd” along with it?
11091 2012/10/21 TraditionalTasbhih or saying Subhan allah in the time of prayer testifies one s removing any anthropomorphic elements or associations with God. It is a way of considering God, the Glorified, devoid and free of a
How do we interpret the attributes just, most compassionate and one for God?
6900 2012/10/20 TraditionalJustice means to place everything in its appropriate place. This said, divine justice can have two types. First: takwini justice which means that every existing being including the skies and earth are