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  • Why do the Shia pray with open hands while the Sunnis pray with their hands closed? How would the holy prophet of Islam pray? Are there any hadiths on this subject?
    63800 Laws and Jurisprudence 2008/12/21
    Because of the many hadiths they have regarding this matter, the Shia pray with open hands in order to have followed the tradition of the holy prophet (pbuh) and the imams (as). These hadiths express that the prophet (pbuh) and the imams (as) would pray with their hands open ...
  • Can a major sin be forgiven?
    11948 Practical 2010/12/21
    A major sin is one that being punished in hell is promised to its committer in the Quran or ahadith. (There are also other criteria for a sin being a major one). Also minor sins turn into major sins when committed repeatedly (when insisted on ...
  • Is conditional divorce effective?
    6443 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/06/21
    One of the conditions of the validity and effectiveness of the divorce formula is for it not to be made contingent upon any condition. Consequently, if the husband says “If Zayd comes you are divorced”[1] or “If the sun rises you are ...
  • How was the ultimate underlying substance created by Allah? Was there anything existing alongside Allah?
    3898 Islamic Philosophy 2017/01/21
    This issue has something to do closely with the issue of "the created" (hādith) and "the eternal" (qadim). The key to understanding this topic is to understand the concept of existence, non-existence and tajalli (divine self-manifestation) which is the appearance and disclosure of God as truth in ...
  • Was Ibn Arabi Shia or Sunni?
    18334 تاريخ بزرگان 2009/08/29
    The complicated personality and his attitude towards different great personalities of different sects has made it difficult to determine what sect Ibn Arabi belonged to, thus there are different viewpoints on this issue. Some say he was Sunni, some say he was a twelve imamer Shia, some say ...
  • Did Imam Ali (AS) fight all innovations when he was in power?
    7415 امام علی ع و خلفا 2017/01/24
    It was only 25 years after the demise of the Prophet of Islam (S) that the Muslim caliphate got back on its original track. After coming to power and becoming apparently a caliph, Imam Ali (AS) vowed to do away with all the innovations that had come ...
  • rules and regulations has Islam prescribed for exultations and happiness?
    6120 Practical 2011/12/19
    Real happiness from the perspective of a faithful individual is achieved when he performs an act which draws him one step closer to his Lord. However, human beings can benefit from lawful and diverse worldly pleasures so as to satiate his natural desire. At times, these actions ...
  • What is the meaning of Labbayk?
    16878 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/05/21
    Labbayk means to answer in the affirmative, to agree with and accept an invitation[1], an acceptance accompanied with honor, respect and praise. This term was originally "Labbayna" plus "Lak", and turned to "Labbayk" through combining the two words into one (Idghaam).[2] ...
  • Is the prayer performed in the Imams' shrine right? Though the grave is in the direction of the prayer?
    10714 Exegesis 2011/12/21
    Considering the verse mentioned at the surface level, we deduce that it is permissible to build mosques over graves. In the exegesis of the Quran, it is mentioned that a mosque has been built over the cemetery of the people in the cave (Al-Kahf).In the related tradition, there is ...
  • If a woman remarries in this world, which husband will be her spouse in heaven?
    13073 Traditional 2009/10/22
    When considering the status of a man and woman in the afterlife that were once spouses in this world, several possibilities can be considered:Both the woman and man will be in heaven.The woman will be in heaven ...
