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  • What is the Islamic law about taking loans from non-Muslim banks?
    11007 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/10/29
    "Taking out a loan does not require permission of a qualified Mujtahid (hākim shar'a) even if it is from a government bank. The contract of taking a loan is valid, though it may be based on interest. However, if it is an interest-based loan, it is haram to ...
  • Why is it not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid?
    7564 Philosophy of Religion and Law 2006/11/26
                Scholars of jurisprudence which say that it is not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid, have a basis for this reasoning and in order to understand it we must refer to ...
  • Does playing video games that have blasphemy and magic render a person non-Muslim?
    13107 برخی احکام 2013/12/05
    Watching such films or TV series does not make a person disbeliever but it is not permissible to watch movies which entail evil or when it is feared that one may be led astray. Index: We have forwarded this question to a number of prominent Shiite religious ...
  • What is meant by inner rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran?
    8801 Quranic Studies 2014/04/20
    Since the Holy Quran is Allah's words and the Prophet of Islam's (P.B.U.H) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendations and narrations of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Muslims have been observing some special ...
  • Is it okay to say "Ali is the inheritor"?
    7218 Traditional 2011/02/15
    An heir is someone who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property or position of another without an external cause like purchase and sale, dedication etc. rather by descent and right of relationship.
  • What are the secrets and ways to success in life?
    13320 سعادت و شقاوت 2015/04/18
    Most writers and scholars have endeavored to present an inclusive definition of success. Success, according to Islamic doctrines, means happiness and prosperity. Practically, absolute happiness and prosperity are the same. A happy and successful person is one whose actions and aspirations are in the way of Allah, ...
  • Why did Allah create Satan?
    16563 Traditional 2011/04/20
    First: Satan’s role in deviating and misguiding man is confined to tempting him. Second: Progress and development can only take place when there are opposite and conflicting forces, and therefore the creation of such a being in the Nezame Ahsan (perfect world system) is not considered in vain, ...
  • What is the meaning of the government of Islamic Republic?
    6415 Philosophy 2006/07/15
    The word "government" means order and command.In the present terminology, it consists of the aggregate of the organized members and the ruling group that control the affairs of society.It consists of three powers, viz, legislative, executive and judiciary.As regard the word "jomhoori" (republic), it was first adopted ...
  • Please introduce a few methods of ibadat.
    8994 Practical 2012/01/15
    Ibadat means to express humbleness, obedience before Allah’s demands and following the divine rulings in our everyday life. Ibadat has levels; the highest being when it is performed along with ma’refat (knowledge and recognition) of Allah.Ibadat has ...
  • When a female is in her period is it proper for her to say Lahila illallah?
    7469 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/08/01
    Saying La Ilaha Illallah during a woman’s period is okay. Interestingly, it is mustahabb for a women on their period to clean themselves of blood and change their cloth or cotton and make wudu and if not possible, to do tayammum and sit where they ...
