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  • How long is a mother allowed to breastfeed her baby?
    8272 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/02/12
    In regards to the above question, we will make mention of the verdicts of some of the jurisprudents as under:According to a well-known view, the jurists say that the duration of breastfeeding is twenty one months.
  • What is Islam’s viewpoint on cloning?
    9956 Laws and Jurisprudence 2008/05/12
    Cloning and especially the cloning of humans is a new subject that has come up in our era and as a result, its ruling hasn’t been mentioned in the Quran and Islamic tradition, yet Shia scholars and jurisprudents have been able to reach certain conclusions on it using ijtihad (Islamic ...
  • How can one create harmony between religion and science?
    8328 Philosophy of Religion 2008/07/02
    Those who consider religion and science as two separate ways aren’t truly familiar with divine religions particularly Islam and haven’t paid attention to the fact that the two are of completely different responsibilities that have nothing in common.Religion is of three parts; man’s relationship with himself, man’s relationship ...
  • Has the Quran mentioned anything about Khidhr?
    12478 Quranic Studies 2008/09/03
    The Quran hasn’t clearly mentioned the name of Khidhr, yet he has been referred to as “One of Our servants whom We had granted a grace from Ourselves, and taught him a knowledge from Our own”[i] (which indicates his ...
  • How should one go about identifying the most learned Mujtahid, if the testimonies of the witnesses contradict each other?
    7104 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/01/15
    All grand jurists have said in their edicts that there are three ways of identifying a Mujtahid, and the A'alam:First: when a person is certain that a particular person is a Mujtahid, or the most learned one. For this, he should be a ...
  • can you please tell me about the life of (Imam) Bukhari?
    12084 تاريخ بزرگان 2008/02/13
    Abu Abdullah, Muhammad Ibn Ismael Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Mughaireh, Ibn Bardzih, Jafi Al-Bukhari is one of the most celebrated Sunni Narrators [of Hadiths].He was born in 194 Hijri (Lunar Calendar) in one of ...
  • What is the meaning of God’s devising?
    7633 Exegesis 2012/02/15
    Imam Rida (AS) was asked about the attribution of deceit and ridicule to Allah, which the Quran has mentioned, his excellency replied: “Allah Almighty neither ridicules nor deceives or devises against anyone; what He does is requite ridicule, devising and deceit.” ...
  • Is it necessary to have the consent of one’s wife when contracting a temporary marriage with the People of the book?
    9248 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/04/07
    These answers were received from the offices of the maraje’ regarding your inquiry:The office of the Grand Ayatullah Khamenei:In such a case getting permission isn't necessary and the marriage contract is valid without her consent unless there are certain regulations that must be observed.The office of the ...
  • What difference do God's knowledge, power, justice and life make with the same attributes in human beings?
    7542 Traditional 2011/12/19
    God, the Exalted, is characteristic of such attributes (e.g. knowledge, power and life etc.) which indicate the perfection of His essence.Man also possesses these characteristics and is qualified by them. He is powerful, knowledgeable and alive but with God's permission. The qualities with ...
  • What do the terms “Hukm” and “Fatwa” signify? What is the difference between the two?
    10172 Fiqh 2011/08/10
    A fatwa is a universally applicable religious law concerning a particular issue that is derived from the four sources of Islamic law (the Qur`an, the sunnah, ijma’ (consensus), and ‘aql (the intellect)) using the methodology of ijtihad (juristic interpretation).A hukm ...
