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Last Updated: 2012/02/15
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Can a woman recite Quran in front of non-mahrams?
Can a woman recite Quran in front of non-mahrams?
Concise answer

The Grand Ayatullah Khameneni (may Allah prolong his life):

If it gets their attention and arouses them or causes any other corruption then it will be impermissible, or else, it is permissible.

The Grand Ayatullah Sistani (may Allah prolong his life):

If she knows that a non-mahram man hears her voice it will be haram, if she thins her voice and makes it nice to the extent that it would normally be arousing.[1]

The Grand Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi (may Allah prolong his life):

If she recites with a tune it will be haram.[2]

[1] An inquiry by the Islamquest website.

[2] Shirazi, Nasir Makarem, Istifta’aate Jadid, vol. 1, pg. 154, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) School Press, Qum, second edition, 1427 AH.

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