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  • Why did Allah create Satan?
    16545 Traditional 2011/04/20
    First: Satan’s role in deviating and misguiding man is confined to tempting him. Second: Progress and development can only take place when there are opposite and conflicting forces, and therefore the creation of such a being in the Nezame Ahsan (perfect world system) is not considered in vain, ...
  • Whose saying is this: "Death is sweater to me than honey."
    7208 تاريخ کلام 2011/01/10
    This saying is widely ascribed to Qasim son of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.). It is said that when his beloved uncle, Imam Hussein (a.s.) asked him "My child, my nephew, tell me, how do you regard death and what do you think about getting killed?" He promptly answered: ...
  • What is meant by justice as one of the fundamentals of faith?
    4017 جبر یا اختیار و عدالت پروردگار 2017/01/21
    Justice has been discussed and debated in detail covering all its meanings. However, what has been very much a matter of controversy and heated debate is the difference between Imamiyah and Mu'atazilah on the one hand and Ash'arites on the other. Justice in the sense that each ...
  • What is the philosophy of Islamic modest dress? Why are only women bound in Islam to observe modest dress?
    9173 Philosophy of Religion and Law 2011/12/08
    Men and women are equal in many aspects such as creation from a single essence and enjoying rights to education, freedom, speech, expression, etc.We should also note that men and women are different in their physical and psychological make-up. These differences lead to the creation and enactment of specific ...
  • What is the reason behind the impurity of semen and urine?
    13977 Laws and Jurisprudence 2014/04/20
    We must keep in mind that all of the divine laws are based upon securing the interests of mankind and keeping them away from harms. This means that nothing is lawful and unlawful without reason and it is not the case that things have been applied without ...
  • By whom and how can teyyul-ard be achieved?
    6570 Practical 2010/07/20
    Teyyul-ard denotes the quick transportation from one point to another in an instant. Teyyul-ard is something extraordinary and above normal human power, and is only possible for those who have total control over the chain of causes. The most important issue in this regard is ...
  • What good deeds can we do that the dead will receive its reward?
    11202 Practical 2012/10/20
    By having patience when calamities befall us and pondering and thinking about the fact that everyone will leave this world someday, one can make the situation of losing a loved one easier to adapt to. Some of the mustahaab acts that can be done for the dead are ...
  • What is your opinion about meditation of the Yoga-Zen variety?
    11165 Practical 2010/11/21
    Supporters of this method say that the exercise of meditation takes one to a phenomenal place of ideas and thoughts, which have many various purposes and benefits. These benefits include a more wholesome life, a peaceful state of mind, and ...
  • What is the basic difference between spirituality in Islam and spirituality in Christianity?
    22408 Modern 2012/12/16
    The value and credibility of spirituality in every religion are connected directly to genuineness and validity of that religion itself. The religious sources of Christianity present such doctrines that are opposed to reason in such a stark way that even Christians themselves acknowledge not to mention the ...
  • Are those who perform suicide operations considered shahid in the eyes of the Shia, and generally, can they still be performed today (does the concept even apply today)?
    6670 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/08/21
    Such operations that are referred to as ‘suicide operations’ or intihari operations have no place in the Shia culture and aren't permissible per se. Nevertheless, if the precious religion of Islam is ever threatened by a great threat, and there is no other choice to relieve it of ...
