Questions Archive(Tag:emergency)
Can the reports of Muslim historians regarding the People of the Cave be found in the reports of other historians?
2629 2021/03/30 History
What is meant by nearness of Allah, the Almighty to His servants mentioned in the holy Quran?
2874 2021/03/30 Exegesis
What are the nine miracles of Prophet Moses (as) that are mentioned in the holy Quran?
2928 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
Do you think that the story mentioned in the holy Quran about the life of Prophet Moses (as) is in harmony with what has been mentioned in the Bible?
2760 2021/03/30 History
It is said that Imam Husain (as) did not want to revolt, because, according to the narrations, he rose in order to save his own life, but the circumstances turned in a way that led to his martyrdom! What is your view about this?
3245 2021/03/30 قیام امام حسین ع
According to the holy Quran and traditions, what are the foundations of Medical ethics?
2906 2021/03/30 بیشتر بدانیم
Did Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (as) participate in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahravan, and did they go directly to the frontlines of the battle?
3489 2021/03/30 History
How can we keep the thought of death and the Day of Resurrection in our mind?
2610 2021/03/30 تجسس
Who was Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (as)?
What characteristics and virtues did He have?
Please give us a short biography of Him?
3448 2021/03/30 History
What is the philosophy of Hajj?
2812 2021/03/30 بیشتر بدانیم
According to traditions, what are the moral characteristics of Prophet Jesus (as)?
2980 2021/03/30 Hadith
Please provide us with a short biography of Prophet Jesus (as).
2698 2021/03/30 تاريخ بزرگان
Christianity says: We are not servants, because a servant is a captive, while we are not captives! What does Islam say about this?
2416 2021/03/30 ارتباط انسان با جهان
Like the holy Quran, has the text of the Bible that was sent down from Allah or the sayings of the Prophet Jesus (as) been collected by his companions?
2849 2021/03/30 پیامبران و کتابهای آسمانی
When Imam Ali (as) considered the relinquishing of this world in the way Prophet Jesus did as the feature of a pious, don’t you think this is promoting the monastic life that Islam has not recommended?
2858 2021/03/30 Contextual study
Prophet Khidr (as) killed a person before committing crime, but why didn’t Imam Ali (as) kill his murderer ibn Muljam (la), believing that this would be a punishment of a crime not yet committed?!
3148 2021/03/30 Exegesis
What are the spiritual features of the holy Quran according to the holy Quran itself and traditions?
3188 2021/03/30 Quranic Studies
Please provide us with a short biography of Lady Fatimah Zahra (sa)?
2910 2021/03/30 حضرت فاطمه زهرا س
Is it possible to give a short biography of Imam Ali (as)?
3188 2021/03/30 امام علی ع
What are the courses of actions for having good-temperament in our life? What are the worldly and heavenly results of having good moral?
5501 2019/10/06 دستور العمل ها
What is the proper consumption pattern in Islam?
5239 2019/10/06 اسراف و تبذیر
Did the past religions like Christianity and Judaism have prayers like Muslims?
4782 2019/10/06 کلیات
What are the most important citizenship rights in Islamic society according to Imam Ali (as)?
4322 2019/10/06 روایات و دعاهای برجای مانده
If Islam is the complete religion why most of people don’t accept it?
4610 2019/10/06 --- مشابه ---
If Islam is the religion of kindness and love what do the aggressive verses of the holy Quran stand for?!
5666 2019/10/06 دین اسلام
I want you to give a short biography of Lady Khadijah (sa).
4247 2019/10/06 تاريخ بزرگان
Please provide us with a short biography of the holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
4710 2019/10/06 پیامبر اکرم ص
Is it possible to mention names of all the prophets (as)?
4867 2019/09/22 تاريخ بزرگان
How it is possible that distortion did not occur in the holy Qur’an, in spite of that the meanings of stance is changed, while changing phonetics in Arabic language?
7795 2019/06/12 Quranic StudiesVarious meanings of distortion and alternation have been expressed. The Islamic scholars agree with view of less or more non-distortion and non-alternation in the holy Quran. In other words neither a
Prove the existence of God and then indicate how qualities such as being pure, sacrosanct (inviolable), and the greater, etc can be proven in regards to Him?
5730 2019/06/12 پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی هاAllah the Exalted is the absolute and perfect existence with no defects or deficiencies. He is a unique existence with the ability to do anything and is aware of all objects everything in all situatio
I doubt whether my prayer is valid. Please tell me how to perform my prayers correctly
8493 2019/06/12 Laws and JurisprudenceBefore answering your question it seems necessary to note that asking questions about things you don t know is not embarrassing. A lack of knowledge and asking questions are not deficiencies that one
Who has more power and influence, God or Satan?
5940 2019/06/12 ابلیس و شیطانUndoubtedly the power of God who is the Creator of of all things is more than Satan in all matters. However when Prophet Adam peace be upon him obeyed Satan s advice and refused to obey God s command
For what purpose do the dwellers of paradise of consent need intercession from angels?
5683 2019/06/12 ExegesisGod is pleased by those who have faith and right deeds. But since faith and right deeds have severity and weakness and have different levels therefore God s pleasure towards them also differs. Paradis
Is Satan eternal and immortal like God since God gave respite to Satan until Day of Judgment?
8074 2019/06/12 ExegesisEternity means a state of immortal existence in future. Since Satan is God s creature and each creature is under the control of its creator therefore Satan cannot make himself involved in God s affair
Why does God not heal the disease of the hypocrites but also adds to it or worsens it?
4774 2019/06/12 ExegesisAllah the Exalted has created the human beings with freewill and volition which means that human evolution perfection is gained through his free choice and will. Therefore if people like the hypocrite