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Questions Archive(Tag:eulogy)

  • Is it permissible for men to listen to a woman’s singing?
    15949 2013/01/24 Philosophy of Religion and Law
    As you have rightly mentioned, men are different from women in a lot of ways. For this reason, different rules have been legislated for each group. When it comes to a woman reciting eulogies and narra

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  • Should we maintain relations with relatives who act badly towards us in turn? If so, in what way should we do this?
    7447 Practical 2012/02/15
    The concept of ‘Silah al-Rahem’ means to maintain a relationship based on goodness and love with ones near relatives. It is religiously obligatory upon everyone and many positive effects have been listed for it. Amongst these are the lengthening of one’s life, good naturedness, and an increase in ...
  • What is the difference between Satan and the carnal soul?
    12196 Theoretical 2013/11/11
    Man's real identity which is called soul has numerous aspects and layers. Quran mentions its three states (carnal, self-reproaching and peaceful). The carnal soul is formed when animalistic desires dominate man. It is a state of human soul that constantly commands human toward vices and to satisfy ...
  • Is stem-cell research haram?
    7221 Laws and Jurisprudence 2009/11/25
    Since we are looking for the fiqhi ruling on this issue, we asked the question from the offices of the grand Ayatullahs (may Allah protect them) and also from Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani, the following are the responses we received:The office of ...
  • What is meant by inner rules in regards to recite the Holy Quran?
    8776 Quranic Studies 2014/04/20
    Since the Holy Quran is Allah's words and the Prophet of Islam's (P.B.U.H) miracle, Muslims show the special respect to it even at the advent of Islam. According to the verses of Quran, recommendations and narrations of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Muslims have been observing some special ...
  • What is the significance of words in divine revelation?
    6414 Exegesis 2011/10/08
    Everything has four modes of existence: verbal existence, written existence, mental existence and external existence. Revelation also has these four modes of existence: For example, when we speak of the external existence of the Quran we say that this Quran was received with these same words by the Prophet through ...
  • Is religion compatible with politics?
    7398 Modern 2011/08/10
     A religion that has come in order to explain the path to felicity from now until the end of time cannot remain indifferent to a matter that all societies need, that is, government. In other words, the rules and regulations of Islam are such ...
  • Can we give part of our Khums dues to the poor? Or is it necessary that we should hand it over to the maraje's representatives or the maraje' themselves?
    6585 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/10/29
    As per your message, the foregoing question was submitted to His Eminence, Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani (may Allah grant him long life) and the answer which he gave to the question is as follows: 1. Khums should be spent by the guardian of Muslims' affairs ...
  • Who is Abdul Qadir Gilani?
    9645 Theoretical 2011/03/14
    Abdul Qadir Gilani known as Ghaus-e-Azamwas a sixth century mystic and a narrator who was born in the north of Iran and died in Baghdad. He was the figurehead of the Qadiri Sufi order.  Historically, he lived very much after ...
  • Did angels and jinns come to the help of Imam Hussein in Karbala? Why didn’t the Imam accept their offer?
    17253 تاريخ بزرگان 2010/04/20
    Some of our hadith sources contain hadiths narrated from the ma'sumin mentioning how Allah (swt) sent help for Imam Hussein by the jinns and angels.Of course, this isn't something unusual and has happened before; jinns, angels and any other means of ...
  • How was the ultimate underlying substance created by Allah? Was there anything existing alongside Allah?
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    This issue has something to do closely with the issue of "the created" (hādith) and "the eternal" (qadim). The key to understanding this topic is to understand the concept of existence, non-existence and tajalli (divine self-manifestation) which is the appearance and disclosure of God as truth in ...
