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  • What is the meaning of \'al-Islam\' in the verse 19 of Sura Aal-e Imran?
    9807 Modern 2012/04/04
    The literal meaning of Islam is absolute submission to the will of Allah. The term "religion" reflects God's expectations from mankind in matters related to his individual and social thoughts, conducts and behaviors and also the way he establishes his relationship with God and others. Hence, one who ...
  • Conditions and Method of Friday Prayer
    9978 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/11/08
    Friday prayer is one of the acts of worship about which an entire Sura has been revealed denoting its significance. The prayer consists of 2 sermons which begin with praise and glorification of Allah. The prayer leader should exhort the people to observe piety. Friday prayer ...
  • Are there any insects and animals in the world of genies? Are these also made of fire like genies? Also, are there plants and trees in the world of genies?
    6541 Traditional 2012/08/28
    Although we do not see genies and may not be able to prove their existence through scientific and philosophical arguments, we must believe in them because the Holy Quran, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and Infallible Imams (a.s) have confirmed their existence. In the Holy Quran, the ...
  • Can I use the money which I have in Turkish banks to purchase savings bonds and receive interest?
    6113 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/10/29
    Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life): There is no problem in conducting transactions which are permissible according to Shari'ah rules. However, interest-based transactions and taking interest from Islamic banks and financial institutes is not permissible except for when the assets ...
  • Please explain the intellectual and logical reasons that prove tawhid.
    13255 Traditional 2012/01/15
    Tawhid, which is amongst the most prominent principles of all Abrahamic faiths, means to believe there is only one god, and is the opposite of polytheism (shirk). Tawhid also includes denying any parallel, resembling being or any sort of imaginative or physical composition for God.Many arguments have ...
  • Whose saying is this: "Death is sweater to me than honey."
    7205 تاريخ کلام 2011/01/10
    This saying is widely ascribed to Qasim son of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (a.s.). It is said that when his beloved uncle, Imam Hussein (a.s.) asked him "My child, my nephew, tell me, how do you regard death and what do you think about getting killed?" He promptly answered: ...
  • Does God accept repentance for illegitimate relationships?
    10126 توبه 2013/04/09
    There are certain conditions for real and genuine repentance which if met, will be accepted by God. These conditions are: 1. The sinner should have committed the sin out of ignorance and unawareness; 2. Not knowing that he will die; 3. Avoiding sins; 4. Remorsefulness; 5. To ...
  • What is the Islamic law about a woman giving her picture to a man outside her family?
    6566 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/08/11
    We have received the following answers from the offices of some of the prominent religious authorities and we want you to go through them: Office of grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life): There is no problem in it per se. Office of grand Ayatollah ...
  • What is the meaning and philosophy of ‘gradual revelation of the Quran’?
    18393 Exegesis 2012/04/04
    1. The word “nuzul” literally means ‘descent’ as stated by the glossaries of the Quran such as Mufradat, Misbah and Aqrab. Raghib says in his Mufradat: “Nuzul” in reality means 'descent from an eminence'. The word 'descent' only points to how important, significant and far-reaching the thing ...
  • Are we allowed to offer Tarawih prayer under Taqiyya?
    5747 Laws and Jurisprudence 2017/01/25
    According to the Holy Quran, ahadith and Shia and Sunni, Taqiyyah is rational and one of the ways by which we can keep our religion safe. The Holy Quran has approved Ammar Yaser’ taqiyya that he used it against unbelievers. The Quran also cited the Taqiyyah of ...
