Questions Archive
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Did the past religions like Christianity and Judaism have prayers like Muslims?
If Islam is the complete religion why most of people don’t accept it?
--- مشابه ---
If Islam is the religion of kindness and love what do the aggressive verses of the holy Quran stand for?!
دین اسلام
I want you to give a short biography of Lady Khadijah (sa).
تاريخ بزرگان
Is it possible to mention names of all the prophets (as)?
تاريخ بزرگان
How it is possible that distortion did not occur in the holy Qur’an, in spite of that the meanings of stance is changed, while changing phonetics in Arabic language?
Quranic Studies
Various meanings of distortion and alternation have been expressed. The Islamic scholars agree with view of less or more non-distortion and non-alternation in the holy Quran. In other words neither a
Prove the existence of God and then indicate how qualities such as being pure, sacrosanct (inviolable), and the greater, etc can be proven in regards to Him?
پروردگار. نامها و ویژگی ها
Allah the Exalted is the absolute and perfect existence with no defects or deficiencies. He is a unique existence with the ability to do anything and is aware of all objects everything in all situatio
I doubt whether my prayer is valid. Please tell me how to perform my prayers correctly
Laws and Jurisprudence
Before answering your question it seems necessary to note that asking questions about things you don t know is not embarrassing. A lack of knowledge and asking questions are not deficiencies that one
Who has more power and influence, God or Satan?
ابلیس و شیطان
Undoubtedly the power of God who is the Creator of of all things is more than Satan in all matters. However when Prophet Adam peace be upon him obeyed Satan s advice and refused to obey God s command
For what purpose do the dwellers of paradise of consent need intercession from angels?
God is pleased by those who have faith and right deeds. But since faith and right deeds have severity and weakness and have different levels therefore God s pleasure towards them also differs. Paradis
Is Satan eternal and immortal like God since God gave respite to Satan until Day of Judgment?
Eternity means a state of immortal existence in future. Since Satan is God s creature and each creature is under the control of its creator therefore Satan cannot make himself involved in God s affair
Why does God not heal the disease of the hypocrites but also adds to it or worsens it?
Allah the Exalted has created the human beings with freewill and volition which means that human evolution perfection is gained through his free choice and will. Therefore if people like the hypocrite
in brief: Is there any hope of protection from the punishment of the Day of Judgment?
What is concluded by studying all the religious teachings is that the hope for Allah s mercy and the fear of punishment on the Day of Judgment are two complementary qualities which a believer should p
What is meant by the ‘Unity of Existence?’
Islamic Philosophy
What the philosophers and the mystics mean by the unity of existence is not that the whole existing world put together is God; because the whole collection does not enjoy a real existence and unity w
What does the word "ila" "up to" in the Quranic verse on wudu (paying attention to the Sunni method of making wudu) mean? Can you please tell us of the Holy Prophet\'s demeanor regarding this subject?
Way of life of
It should be said about the word ila in the Quranic verse on wudu that it is only for explaining the limit of washing and its amount not the way and method of washing; meaning in the verse the limit a
Can the slaughtered meat of the Non-Muslims be used (lawfully)?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The opinion of the Shia jurists and the School of Thought of the Ahl al-Bayt the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam s is that meat that has not been slaughtered according to Islamic laws the ruling
what is dignity? How can it be achieved? And what status do dignified people posses before God?
انسان شناسی
Dignity can be defined as the act of avoiding the degradation of oneself and baseness and a magnanimous man is the one who is free from all the indecencies. Indecency antonym for dignity equals de
What are the necessary limits - quantitatively and qualitatively - for women\'s covering while performing prayers?
Laws and Jurisprudence
The obligatory limits of covering for women while performing prayers is that the entire body even the hair should be covered except for the face as much as it is washed in wudu and both hands and legs
What does it mean to think well and avoid suspicion about God? How can we get rid of suspicion towards God?
گناه و رذائل اخلاقی
There are verses in the Quran which condemns suspicion and bad expectations of God. [ 1 ] As well there are also narrations which somehow deal with the subject of good and bad expectation of God the E
What are the narrations about rizq (sustenance) and what are the ways through which one can earn lawful sustenance? What duas are there for increasing rizq?
Contrary to the common perception which restricts sustenance to its material manifestations the term rizq sustenance has a more extensive meaning that includes all divine bounties irrespective of the
Is it necessary for a woman to remove her pubic hair after she ceases to discharge menstrual blood?
Laws and Jurisprudence
Removing the unncessary armpit and pubic hair is a matter of hygiene. According to Islam it is recommended mustahab to remove the hair once in a while. [ 1 ] However it is not obligatory to remove it
In the second Surah of the Quran, it is stated that:" Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before". What reality does this verse address?
About the day of resurrection and bounties which will be granted to practicing Muslims the Quran says: But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness that their portion is Gardens b
There are verses in the Quran about marked stones rained down upon criminals; what does it mean for the stones to be marked?
God the Exalted presents the story of Hud tribe in a part of the Chapter Hud Chap. 11 mentioning that a few angels went to Prophet Lut as guests but in the guise of human beings. The Quran discusses t
Was the wife of Hazrat Abbas, Lady Lubaba, present in Karbala?
1. Lubaba was the daughter of Ubaidullah bin Abbas [ 1 ] the Prophet s cousin and the wife of Hazrat Abulfazl Abbas AS . Following the event of Karbala and the martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas she married Z
What happened to Aisha, the wife of the Prophet of Islam (S) after the Battle of Jamal? Was she living under house arrest for a period of time?
Following the battle of Jamal Imam Ali AS ordered his comrades to take Aisha to Abdullah bin Khalaf Khazā ei s house who along with his sons had been killed in the same battle while fighting for Aisha
Sunnis believe the Prophet (S) does not have any inheritors or heirs. The question is: Why did, according to their authentic books, all the Prophet’s wives send Uthman to Abu Bakr to demand their inheritance. None among them opposed this except Aisha?!
We believe the prophets leave inheritance and the heirs to them inherit what is left behind but it has been reported in the Sunni textual sources such as Sahih Bukhari that following the demise of t
Are the elemental bodies of the Prophet of Islam (AS) and Imams in the same places where they were buried?
According to some narrations the elemental bodies of the Prophet S and the infallible Imams AS are not in the same land where they were buried. In fact their pure bodies are transferred to the divine
Why didn’t the prophets and imams leave any works behind as inventors and scientists did so that they could be prouder? Do Shiites have scholarly or scientific achievements to be proud of ?
نقش شیعه در گسترش اسلام
Religion is not bound to create material means for man s life. This is a duty of human beings themselves to use their mind and faculty of reason to create such things. Basically it is wrong to expect
How is it possible to differentiate between someone who falsely claims to be a prophet and one who is a true prophet?
1. In Arabic the term wahy literally means giving a message quickly and secretly. In Islamic terminology wahy is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication w
What is the veracity of the supplication “Allahumma kun li-waliyyik al-Hujjatibnil Hasan… and how do we know that it is authentic?
Contextual study
This holy supplication has been reported with some variation in different Shia sources including the book of Al-Kafi. It is good to recite this dua for the wellbeing of Imam of Time may Allah hasten h
Which one of the holy Imams (AS) recited Dua Faraj?
Contextual study
The term faraj means remedy or improvement or relief from grief and sorrow. [ 1 ] The hadith books which include this term and also duas and deeds a amāl have referred to the same meaning. We suffice
Please let me know in detail the beliefs of Zaidiyyah sect, especially the Houthis?
تاريخ کلام
The Zaidiyyah or Zaidism is a sect which emerged in the eighth century out of Shi a Islam. Zaidis are named after Zaid ibn Ali the grandson of Husain ibn Ali. Although Zaid did not consider himself to
The Quran is a miracle under the following three categories: miracle in terms of the words of the Quran, miracle in terms of the contents and miracle in terms of its bringer. How far does each of these aspects signify the divinity of the Quran?
Quranic Studies
Generally speaking some of the categories of the miracles show that the Quran could not have been brought forth by anyone other than Allah. For instance the Quran s eloquence is unique and miraculous
Is the saying authentic that, "Satans are chained during the Holy Month of Ramadan”?
روش شناسی
In some authentic traditional sources like Al-Kafi and Tahzib a tradition has been mentioned regarding the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan from the Holy Prophet PBUH as follows When the Holy M
Are we allowed to offer Tarawih prayer under Taqiyya?
Laws and Jurisprudence
According to the Holy Quran ahadith and Shia and Sunni Taqiyyah is rational and one of the ways by which we can keep our religion safe. The Holy Quran has approved Ammar Yaser taqiyya that he used it