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- What is the meaning of Allah’s (awj) misguidance in the Qur`an?
- There are some pills that help knee stability . These pills contain ingredients extracted from snails, shrimps, crabs or lobsters . Can a doctor prescribe such medicines? If yes, would eating these pills (if they are allowed) affect one's spiritual progress?
- Considering the verse of the Qur`an in Surah 32, verse 13 which reads, “Had We wished We would have given every soul its guidance,” - can it not be concluded that Allah (awj) has not desired the guidance of all humanity? If Allah (awj) had desired the guidance of all humanity He would have willed such, but obviously He has not . Why?
- What are the signs for the reemergence of the Master of the Age [i .e . the Twelfth Imam]?
- We know of many people around the world who are not Muslims or Shi`a but are nevertheless individuals of good conduct; for example, non-Muslims are responsible for many inventions . Is it right that they all deserve to be punished in Hell because they are not Muslims?
- What do the terms “Hukm” and “Fatwa” signify? What is the difference between the two?
- Is religion compatible with politics?
- How should one resist the temptation to commit sins?
- How is possible to ward off bad thoughts and improve my relationship with God?
- How should one, who has masturbated, repent? What are the ways through which one can make up for the physical and spiritual harms of masturbation?
- What is the Islamic law about taking off one's shirt and beating the chest in mourning for Imam Hussein (a)?
- What are the ways through which one may get rid of lusts?
- Why did the Holy Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) not throw down and break the idols to pieces before the conquest of Mecca? Was it because they did not want to hurt those who worshipped the idols?
- Is it obligatory for Muslims to promulgate Islam (i .e . teach or convert non-Muslims)?
- Can we call Hazrat Ali (a .s) as Raziq (sustainer) since he was the one who distributed food among the needy? Is it permissible to call the 14 Infallibles as 'rabb' because they are those who look after us?
- What will happen to the Islamic governments in the wake of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)?
- What are the effects of casting lustful look at immodest women and girls and how is one's life affected by it?
- Is it permissible to satisfy one's sexual desires through any way other than marriage?
- What is the Islamic law about having brotherly relationship with a non-Mahram without the intention of seeking sexual pleasure simply to know each other for marriage?
- : What are the best ways to quit masturbation? And may I know its punishments in the hereafter?
- What are the conditions of Mut'ah (fixed –time marriage)?
- What are the circumstances under which it is necessary to acquire the permission of a virgin girl's guardian?
- Does fixed-time marriage have special conditions and is it permissible for specific people?
- Can a traveler stand in the first row and offer his prayers behind the prayer leader? Is it necessary for a traveler to pray in the last rows to maintain connection in prayer?
- What is the Islamic law concerning friendship between the opposite genders? Kindly explain the rules regarding various types of friendship between two individuals from the opposite genders .
- If a person cheats in the examinations and wastes someone's right, because he would not be accepted and someone else would take his place, how is going to compensate for that and seek his forgiveness?
- What is the Islamic law about cheating in exams given that the opposite side is consenting?
- Why did God order the construction of the Ka'bah?
- What is E'tikaf?
- What is the Islamic law about smoking cigarette or hookah?
- In a letter to Mu‘awiyah, Imam Ali (AS) speaks of the rule of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman as being pleased by God . Is not this in contradiction with the Shiite perspective?
- What is meant when it is said that Awliya’ullah have the knowledge of the past, present and the future?
- Why aren’t the Imams’ names clearly mentioned in the Quran?
- Is it forbidden to use vanilla extract?
- Is it true that if there is a picture on the wall of a building, the angels do not enter that place?