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  • What creatures are haram?
    18636 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/02/15
    In general, haram meat creatures are divided into several categories:1. All sea creatures which do not have scales.2. Among land creatures, dogs, pigs, predatory creatures which have sharp teeth and claws and talons, like lions, foxes, rabbits, wolves, elephants, etc. are haram. But all types of ...
  • What is the most important message of Surah al-Masadd?
    14044 Exegesis 2012/12/31
    The most important message of this Surah (chapter) can be explain in such a way that wealthy, position and family relationship with prophets cannot protect an individual from God’s wrath or fury. Abu Lahab is an example in this chapter of the Quran. He is one of ...
  • Is it permissible for Shias to get married to Sunnis?
    20553 Laws and Jurisprudence 2008/08/18
    These are the viewpoints of Shia scholars regarding your question:Question: What is the ruling on the marriage of Muslims with Non-Muslims and Shias with Sunnis?The office of Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani:The marriage of a Muslim woman ...
  • If haram property and corrupt environment leave a negative impact on humans, why did some people attain salvation despite living in such an environment?
    11313 Practical 2012/09/25
    Islam reprimands those who do not refrain from acquiring and consuming haram property since it leaves negative impacts on human's soul and heart as well as his family. Many sins are deeply rooted in man’s polluted soul. Environment also influences human's behavior and plays an ...
  • Can reading the Quran’s translation be beneficial?
    7373 Quranic Studies 2010/08/01
    From a fiqhi perspective, reading the Quran’s translation doesn’t count as the recitation of the Quran itself and it is for this reason that the ulema have stated: “Touching the writing of the Quran with any part of the body is haram for one who doesn’t have wudu. ...
  • How come although all of us gave an oath in the Alame-Arwah, there are still people who have religions other than Islam?
    29149 Traditional 2009/03/14
    In our religious texts and scriptures, a realm or world by the name of Dharr has been spoken of. There are differences between the scholars regarding what this realm exactly is. Nevertheless, the viewpoint which seems to be the best of all is the one that says Allah ...
  • Why is the dog a najis animal in Islam?
    26520 Philosophy of Religion and Law 2012/01/19
    One of the fundamental teachings of Islam is that all legal rulings are based on the real benefits and harms behind them. If there were no benefits or harms, there would be no commands nor prohibitions, and no ruling regarding the najasah and taharah of things in religion.
  • Please provide a hadith on the najasah of the dog and pig.
    11249 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/01/17
    Regarding the najasah of the dog and pig, the hadiths that have reached us can be divided into two categories; ones that contain the term ‘najis’ in them and others that don’t have the exact term but nonetheless necessitate their najasah. In these hadiths, the najasah of the ...
  • How can one become sure which of the ulema giving advice and lectures are worthy and qualified to so?
    7138 Practical 2008/08/20
    Based on Islamic teachings, it is an obligation upon all, to either be of research in order to learn what their religion wants from them, or to refer to Islamic scholars in order to get familiar with it. Since most people aren’t able to do deep religious studies, ...
  • Knowing that the Quran is a clear book, what are the conditions/prerequisites of comprehending it?
    11121 Exegesis 2010/04/08
    The Quran is the Prophet's miracle for all times and can not be compared to common books. Although the Quran is clear, explains matters and has conveyed the meanings through simple words as delicately and beautifully as possible, but it contains some issues and describes certain realities that ...
