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Last Updated: 2012/02/15
Summary of question
Is it haram for young girls and women to wear perfume?
Is it haram for young girls and women to wear perfume?
Concise answer

Wearing perfume or cologne isn't haram for any group or gender in Islam. What Islam prohibits is to wear attractive perfume in the presence of non-mahrams in a way that will lead to haram and corruption. According to all of the maraji’, wearing such perfume in public places where there are non-mahrams is forbidden[1]. What is for sure though is that wearing perfume for one’s spouse or in the presence of other mahrams or in women’s gatherings is permissible. The reason for this ruling is clear; Islam obliges the upholding of hijab and modesty for women, and keeping limits and boundaries from non-mahram men, in order to maintain and protect the family and society from the many corruptions that ensue if not observed properly.

[1] Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi, Istifta’aat, inquiry 1616; Ayatullah Khamenei, inquiries 621 and 667; Ayatullah Noori, Istifta’aat, vol. 1, inquiry 1033; The offices of Ayatullahs Wahid, Saafi, Bahjat, Imam Khomeini, Fazel Lankarani and Sistani, with help from the Porseman software.

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