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  • What is the relationship between Divine will and human will?
    7135 Traditional 2011/08/15
    The human being is a contingent existent who derives his existence and existential qualities from Allah (awj). Allah (awj) has, by His generative will (irada takwini), created him as a volitional creature and has thus distinguished him from all other creatures. Hence, the human ...
  • How can the dominance of men over women in the family that the Quran mentions be justified?
    18054 Laws and Jurisprudence 2009/07/19
    Verse 34 of surah Nisa, “الرجال قوامون علی النساء” doesn’t say that men are dominant over women and can be forceful to them; what it is really saying, as word experts and commentators of the Quran have said, is that men are the guardians and protectors of women. ...
  • Why do Muslims believe that Jews are cursed?
    21504 Contextual study 2010/09/04
    This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer. ...
  • What are the proofs behind the faith of Abu Talib?
    13412 تاريخ بزرگان 2010/08/01
    Abu Talib, the father of Imam Ali (a) is among the many individuals who have been persecuted through distortions and alterations in the books of history. The only reason for this persecution is that he was the father of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a), ...
  • Who is Dhul-Qarnayn?
    18965 تاريخ بزرگان 2009/07/19
    The name “Dhul-Qarnayn” has been mentioned in surah Kahf.As for who exactly Dhul-Qarnayn was in history, there are differences of opinion amongst historians and commentators of the Quran.Yet, taking into consideration the attributes of Dhul-Qarnayn that the Quran has mentioned, one can ...
  • Why do some Islamic sects see Twelver Shias as kafirs, while they don’t have the same idea about other Shia sects?
    8655 Traditional 2010/06/21
    First we must pay attention that neither the Twelver Shia consider other Islamic sects as kafirs, nor do the majority of the Sunnis accuse the Twelver Shia of kufr, and if it is ever said so, it is by small extremist groups such as the ...
  • Does an angel that has taken on the form of a human have lust and desire?
    10213 Traditional 2009/11/25
    What is meant by an angel taking on the form of a human is that an angel is visually perceived by humans as having taken on the physical shape of a person. This does not mean that the essence of the angel has changed or ...
  • What date is the first day of Muharram? Kindly, send me the date.
    6393 تاريخ کلام 2010/11/28
    Dear user,The lunar months are established either with a lapse of 30 days or when the crescent of the new month is sighted. When it comes to the beginning of a lunar month, it does not make any difference whether it is the month of Ramadhan or Muharram etc. ...
  • What foods did the prophet like?
    13274 تاريخ بزرگان 2012/03/10
    The prophet would usually eat from anything that was halal, without restricting himself. Meat was his favorite food. Out of the different cuts of meat, he liked the foreshank the most. Out of condiments, he liked vinegar and olives. He also liked dates and honey very much, ...
  • Why do Shīʿas say ‘Alḥamdulillāh rabbi al-ʿālamīn' after sūrah ‘al-Hamd’.
    8347 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/02/15
    There are some apparent differences which exist, and have existed between Shīʿasand Sunnis; for instance, the folding of arms during prayer as practiced by the Sunnis, or the method in which ‘wuḍhu’ is performed can be cited ...
