Questions Archive(Tag:zakat)
What causes jello to become haram or halal?
19483 2007/02/14 Laws and JurisprudenceThere exists different types of jello; some are deemed halal, others haram. The criterion which classifies jello as being either halal or haram to consume, is that of its initial ingredients. Assuming
What is the ruling on forming lines in congregational, when a third person joins in?
8957 2007/02/10 Laws and JurisprudenceIn reference to the incident which you experienced, we must first look at the principals of forming lines in congregational prayer from a fiqhi point of view:The person following in prayer should not
What advice does Ayatollah Khomenehie give to the Muslims in America?
8447 2007/02/10 ModernAsalaamu Alaikum,Other than the topics which he has conveyed in his public announcements ( which are available on his website [ 1 ] ) the Supreme Leader has not expressed anything else in particular.
Is it true that some Muslim Gnostics can fly or levitate?
12078 2007/02/08 PracticalThat which you have mentioned is an effect and result of Man’s spiritual strength, sometimes this may come about by acting in accordance with religious laws and legitimate ascetic discipline. This mea
I would like to know who was the first scholar who presented the concept of Wilayat Al- Faqih?
9073 2007/01/24 Laws and JurisprudenceThe concept of “Wilayate Faqih” means the government of an Islamic society which is headed by someone who has reached the level of Ijtihad ( Ability to answer contemporary questions based on Islamic c
Is it haram to look at or research magic?
27198 2007/01/23 Laws and JurisprudenceIn Islam, learning, teaching, and or getting paid to do magic is unlawful and haram. However if learning magic or witchcraft is for the purpose of nullifying it then it is not haram. Therefore watchin
Who is the present most knowledgeable Marja? Who is the next most knowledgeable Marja after him? Who can distinguish who is most knowledgeable?
14499 2007/01/23 Laws and JurisprudenceDoing taqlid to the grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenehie has priority. One of the conditions for taqlid from a mujtahid is that he be most knowledgeable. But it must be taken into consideration that
What is Shirk?
35102 2007/01/21 TraditionalLiterally, shirk means to allocate; technically, in Quranic terminology, shirk – in contrast to hanif – signifies the process of allocating someone/thing as the Almighty Allah’s partner or equal. Hani
What is the ruling on child custody in the absence of the father?
6906 2007/01/17 Laws and JurisprudenceGrand Ayatollah Khamenei’s responseAccording to Islamic principles, assuming a child’s father passes away, the right to having custody of the child is, also, awarded to the mother up until the child a
What is the ruling on bank interest in non-Muslim countries?
16630 2007/01/17 Laws and JurisprudenceConcerning bank transactions in non-Islamic countries, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s verdict reads as follows:“Paying interest ( usury [ riba ] ) is haram ( forbidden ) i.e. borrowing money from a bank o
What should a single person, who marriage is difficult for, and has committed masturbation do?
9026 2007/01/14 Laws and JurisprudenceMasturbation is haram ( forbidden ) ; this prohibition extends to all people and no-one is allowed to offer any type of excuse for committing such a sin. Those who experience difficulty in executing a
What is the Islamic point of view on cosmetic surgery, such as laser eye surgery, breast implants, liposuction etc., considering that some people recognize them as things which increase the quality of one's life and or self-esteem, while others say that we should not change that which Allah has given to us?
14713 2007/01/14 FiqhCosmetic surgery is not problematic as long as it doesn’t cause harm to the body. Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s Response Cosmetic surgery, per se, is permissible as long as it doesn’t require a non-mahra
What is the duty of those following the prayer, when the Imam makes a mistake?
9052 2007/01/10 FiqhAssuming the Imam of a congregational salat either doubts the number of units ( rak’ahs ) recited or recites the salat in error, the ma’mumin ( those following the Imam in salat ) may inform the Imam
When Maghrib and Isha prayer become Qaza?
49174 2007/01/10 FiqhThe answer given to the question by the office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is as follow: The last time for performing Maghrib and Isha prayer is at canonical midnight. ( i.e: 11 hours after, the cano
What is the ruling on wearing makeup in public?
10267 2007/01/10 Fiqh1 2 : It is not permissible and there is no difference between the various means employed for beauty or make-up purposes.3 : Assuming laity ( urf ) deems it as ‘beauty’ ( zeenat ) , it is not permissi
What does Islam say about Human being living on other planets?
10938 2007/01/09 Laws and JurisprudenceTwo aspects come to mind when we think about life on other planets:Are there any signs of life, existence or living beings on other planets? Is it possible for human beings to live on othe
Is it lawful to get a marital judgment from a non-Muslim government?
6784 2007/01/07 FiqhReferring to judicial arbitrators in non-Muslim and oppressive governments, and requesting their help is not permissible, save in cases where attaining one s right is dependent upon it, and there is n
Are the prayers of someone who would masturbate without making a Janabat Ghusl correct if they were not aware of the ruling?
10749 2007/01/07 Laws and JurisprudenceNo, his previous salats will be deemed void and he ought to compensate for those salats which were executed whilst in a stae of janabah. Being purified from states of hadath ( state of impurity which
If someone becomes Junub while asleep, what kind of Ghusl should they make?
10679 2007/01/07 FiqhIn both instances, one is required to execute the janabah ghusl. Note that such a ghusl is obligatory whenever semen is ejaculated ( as well as in other situations ) – be it during sleep or whilst awa
Is a divorce done by SMS permissible?
9444 2007/01/06 Laws and JurisprudenceThe divorce process, in Islam, beholds a number of prerequisites.Conditions attributed to the man ( who executes the divorce ) include:1. sanity ( ought not be insane ) 2. pubescent ( can’
If a woman has not received alimony for 5 months, is she considered divorced?
8272 2007/01/06 Laws and JurisprudenceExecuting a divorce, in Islam, is a choice which pertains to the husband; hence, women cannot divorce themselves from their spouses. The husband’s not paying his wife’s canonically-required expenses (
How many scholars or legal authorities are or have been hafizes of the Quran?
8179 2007/01/04 Quranic StudiesQuranic memorization is one of the most admirable and praiseworthy practices which had become prevalent amongst the Muslims since the time of the noble prophet ; it has always been conside
when a Muslim woman is about to marry someone who has moral issues, can other people who have information about this person let this woman know?
6850 2007/01/04 Laws and JurisprudenceGrand Ayatollah Khamenei’s responseInforming the lady is not necessary; canonically, the execution of the aforementioned tests are, also, not necessary.Grand Ayatollah Makarim’s responseObligatory pre
What must be said during the temporary marriage and what are its terms and conditions?
17860 2007/01/04 Laws and JurisprudenceIn order to carry out a temporary ( concubine ) marriage contract, a number of prerequisites ought to be executed: ( i ) the contract s formula ought to be read out. Consent ( from
What relationship do the believers have with the Quran during the Presence of a Masoom?
10229 2007/01/01 TraditionalThe Quran is the word of God, and it is a book for studying, understanding, and acting in accordance with, in order for mankind to maintain a prosperous life. However, the comprehension an
Did Satan have children, and if so, are they cursed as well?
24981 2007/01/01 ExegesisSatan has a number of children which help him and almost all of his children have chosen the same path as he has and thus have been cursed and rejected as well, except for a few of them; l
How can I find out the timetable for prayer in my country according to Shia scholars?
10710 2006/12/10 Laws and JurisprudenceThe criterion in the times to make prayer is sunrise and sunset. According to this, fajr prayer comes in as soon as night is over and the whiteness coming form the east moves up and gradually spreads
Is it haram to work at a restaurant that sells alcohol or to work at an institute that funds Israel?
9837 2006/12/03 Laws and JurisprudenceThe Supreme Leader s response to this question: Is it permissible to work at a factory that produces canned pork goods or at nightclubs or other corrupt establishments? And what is the rul
Is it permissible to steal from non-Muslims?
28618 2006/12/02 FiqhThe following responses were gathered from offices of Legal Authorities: Usurpation and forcible acquisition of the property of non-Muslims in non-Muslim countries is not permissible, if they are not
If a woman is divorced and then remarries, then who would be her spouse in the hereafter?
11969 2006/12/02 TraditionalFor a man and a woman who were married to each other in this world, there a several theories regarding their situation in the next world; for example: The husband and the wife are both in
What is the ruling on listening to modern revolutionary rap music?
13079 2006/11/26 FiqhHazrat Grand Ayatollah Khamenehie:Any type of mutrib [ 1 ] music which befits carouse gatherings is haram. Hazrat Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani:Any type of mutrib music which befits carouse gatheri
Why is it not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid?
8155 2006/11/26 Philosophy of Religion and LawScholars of jurisprudence which say that it is not permissible to do taqlid to a deceased Mujtahid, have a basis for this reasoning and in order to understand it we must refer to legal man
How should an astronaut get wudhu and make prayer in outer space?
14413 2006/11/26 ModernUnder no circumstances or conditions is it permissible to discard obligatory prayers, and they must be made in any possible situation. If possible, a person who is in space or on a spacesh
Was Hazrat Adam (P.B.U.H.) Black?
33985 2006/11/25 ExegesisThere are several interpretations in the Quran on the creation of man, which show that the creation of man had several stages, which were as follows: [ 1 ] Creation from dirt:O people ! I
Can you please give me a hadith about the limits of hijab for a woman?
16913 2006/11/22 Laws and JurisprudenceIn ayah 31 of sura Nur, and in many traditions, the limitations of hijab have been made this ayah Allah states: And tell the faithful women to cast down their looks and to guard the